Thursday, March 31, 2011

International Trade Acronyms

Welcome to our weekly list of acronyms used in international trade.  The acronyms found here represent terms used in logistics, imports, exports, government agencies and more.  This week we cover acronyms that start with “D.”    Please feel free to contribute additional acronyms to the list.

Delivered at Place (Incoterms©)
DATDelivered at Terminal (Incoterms©)
DCMADefense Contract Management Agency
DCSDestination Control Statement
DDCDestination Delivery Charge
DDPDeliver Duty Paid, Named Place of Destination (Incoterms©)
DDTCDirectorate of Defense Trade Controls  
DFARSDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Commerce
 DoDDepartment of Defense 
DOJDepartment of Justice
Department of Transportation
DPLDenied Party List  
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement
Office of Defense Trade Control  
DWTDead Weight Tonnage

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