Tuesday, March 1, 2011

International Trade Acronyms

Welcome to our weekly list of acronyms used in international trade.  The acronyms found here represent terms used in logistics, imports, exports, government agencies and more.  This week we cover acronyms that start with “B.”   Please feel free to contribute additional acronyms to the list.

BAFBunker Adjustment Fee
BAGBaggage (EAR License Exception)
BARBuy American Regulations
BASCBusiness Anti-SmugglingCoalition
BEABureau of Economic Analysis
BFTABahrain Free Trade Agreement
BISBureau of Industry & Security - formerly BXA
BISNETBusiness Information Service for Newly Independent States
BITBilateral Investment Treaty
B/LBill of Lading
BTABio-Terrorism Act
BTNBrussels Tariff Nomenclature

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