Welcome to our weekly list of acronyms used in international trade. The acronyms found here represent terms used in logistics, imports, exports, government agencies and more. This week we cover acronyms that start with “C.” Since there are over 40 acronyms in the list, we will review the first 25 this week and the remainder next week. Please feel free to contribute additional acronyms to the list.
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor |
CAFC | Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit |
CAFRA | Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act |
CAFTA-DR | Dominican Republic-Central America-U.S. FTA |
CAP | Classification Assistance Program |
CAPPS | Customs Automated Port Profile System |
CAPSTAN | Computer Aided Planned Stowage and Networking System |
CAS | Chemical Abstract Service |
CAT | Compliance Assessment Team |
CATAIR | Customs & Trade Automated Interface Requirements |
CBERA | Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act |
CBP | U.S. Customs & Border Protection |
CBTPA | Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act |
CCAS | Customs Commercial Advisory Service |
CCATS | Commerce Classification Automated Tracking System |
CCCN | Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature |
CCL | Commerce Control List |
CCSF | Certified Cargo Screening Facility |
CCSP | Certified Cargo Screening Program |
CERTS | Cargo Enforcement Reporting & Tracking System |
CES | Centralized Examination Station |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFR | Cost & Freight (Incoterms) |
CFS | Container Freight Station |
CFTA | U.S. - Chile Free Trade Agreement |
CHB | Customhouse Broker |
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