CBP currently provides an electronic courtesy notice of liquidation to the ABI filer and a paper courtesy notice (CBP Form 4333-A) to the importer of record. Since the majority of entries are filed electronically, CBP proposed the elimination of the paper notices in an effort to streamline the notification process and reduce printing and mailing costs. CBP estimates that eliminating the paper copies for entries filed by ABI will reduce 90% of the paper notices and generate a savings of approximately $3.7 million a year. ABI filers will continue to receive electronic courtesy notices. Importers of record with ACE accounts can also monitor the liquidation status of their entries by using the reporting tools in their ACE Secure Data Portal Account. Importers whose entries are not filed using ABI will continue to receive the paper notices. The courtesy notices will be eliminated effective September 30, 2011.
Courtesy Notice of Liquidation, 76 Fed. Reg. 50883 (2011) (to be codified at 19 C.F.R pt. 159) Retrieved from http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-17/pdf/2011-20957.pdf
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