Wednesday, April 6, 2011

International Trade Acronyms

Welcome to our weekly list of acronyms used in international trade.  The acronyms found here represent terms used in logistics, imports, exports, government agencies and more.  This week we cover acronyms that start with “E.”    Please feel free to contribute additional acronyms to the list.

EAAExport Administration Act
EARExport Administration Regulations
ECCNExport Control Classification Number
ECNExport Control Number
ECOExport Compliance Officer
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EEIElectronic Export Information
EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association
EINEmployer Identification Number
 EIPElectronic Invoice Program
 EMCPExport Management and Compliance Program
EMSExort Management System
ENExplanatory Notes
ENC Encryption - EAR License EXception
EOExecutive Order
EOEmpowered Official
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
ERICElectronic Request for Item Classification
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
ETDEstimated Time of Departure
EXWEx Works (Incoterms©)

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